Here We use Jubin Mitra 8085-simulator.

1). Write assembly language program to subtract two 8-bit numbers and Display Borrow.


                 MVI A,A9H     // Loads the  A9h to Accumulator
                 MVI B,ABH     // Loads the  ABh to B-register 
                 MVI C,00H     // Loads the  00h to C-register  
                 SUB B         // Subtract the content of B-register from Accumulator and result stored in Accumulator. 
                 JNC SKIP      // Jump on no Carry to SKIP 
                 INR C         // Increment C-register  
                 CMA           // Complements Accumulator content 
                 INR A         // Increment Accumulator  
           SKIP: STA 2100H     // Stores the answer to memory location 2100 H 
                 MOV A,C       // moves the content of C-register to accumulator (A < - C) 
                 HLT           // Stop processing  

2). Write assembly language program to find number of 1's and 0's in 8-bit number stored at 2010 memory address.


                 LDA 2010H     // Loads the content of 2010H into accumulator
                 MVI C,08H     // Loads the  08h to C-register 
                 MVI D,00H     // Loads the  00h to D-register  
                 MVI E,00H     // Loads the  00h to E-register  
          START: RRC           // All the bits of accumulator are shifted or rotated right. The CY flag is modified as LSB.
                 JNC ZERO      // Jump on no Carry(CY=0) to ZERO 
                 JC  ONE       // Jump on Carry(CY=1) to ONE  
            ONE: INR D         // Increment D-register to count number of 1's
                 JMP END       // Jump to END 
           ZERO: INR E         // Increment E-register to count number of 0's
                 JMP END       // Jump to END 
            END: DCR C         // Decrement C-register 
                 JNZ START     // Jump on no Zero(Z=0) to START 
                 HLT           // Stop processing  

               # ORG 2010H     // Set origin to dataset  
               # DB ADH     // initializes memory with one or more byte values  

3). Write assembly language program to find a factorial of a given number.


                 LXI H,2501H    // Loads the address of the number in H-L register pair  
                 MOV B,M       // Moves the content of memory to B-register 
                 MVI A,00H     // Loads the  00h to accumulator  
                 MOV D,B       // Moves the content of B-register to D-register  
                 DCR B         // Decrement B-register. 
          START: JZ  CNT       // Jump on ZERO(Z=1) to CNT 
                 MOV E,B       // Moves the content of B-register to E-register 
            MUL: ADD D         // Adds the contents of D-register with the contents of accumulator and the answer is stored in Accumulator  
                 DCR E         // Decrement E-register. 
                 JNZ MUL       // Jump on no ZERO(Z=0) to MUL 
                 MOV D,A       // Moves the content of Accumulator to D-register 
                 MVI A,00H     // Loads the  00h to Accumulator 
                 DCR B         // Decrement B-register 
                 JMP START     // Jump to START 
            CNT: MOV A,D       // Moves the content of D-register to Accumulator 
                 HLT           // Stop processing  

               # ORG 2010H     // Set origin to dataset  
               # DB 05H     // initializes memory with one or more byte values  

4). Write assembly language program to Load the contents of memory locations 2100 H and 2101 H in B-register and C-register respectively. The content of memory locations 2100 H and 2101H are 16 H and 19 H respectively.


               LDA 2100H     // Loads the content of 2100H into accumulator
               MOV B,A       // moves the content of accumulator to B-register (B < - A) 
               LDA 2101H     // Loads the content of 2101H into accumulator  
               MOV C,A       // moves the content of accumulator to C-register (C < - A) 
               HLT           // Stop processing  

               # ORG 2100H     // Set origin to dataset  
               # DB 16H,19H     // initializes memory with one or more byte values  

5). Write an assembly language program to find the 2's complement of a hexadecimal number. The hexadecimal number 6A H is stored in memory location 2100H and the answer is to be stored in 2101 H.


               LDA 2100H     // Loads the content of 2100H into accumulator
               CMA           // Complements the accumulator content (1’s complement) 
               INR A         // 1 is added to the accumulator content to get the 2’s complement  
               STA 2101H     // Loads the accumulator contents into memory location 2101 H 
               HLT           // Stop processing  

               # ORG 2100H     // Set origin to dataset  
               # DB 6AH     // initializes memory with one or more byte values  

6). Write an assembly language program to add two numbers (decimal) 38 and 64, then subtract decimal number 3 from the sum. The final answer is to be stored in memory location 2100 H.

use Converter to convert decimal to hexadecimal number


               MVI A,26H     // Loads the first number to accumulator
               MVI B,40H     // Loads the second number to B-register 
               MVI C,03H     // Loads the third number to C-register  
               ADD B         // Adds the contents of B-register with the contents of accumulator and the answer is stored in A 
               SUB C         // Content of C gets subtracted from accumulator and difference is stored in A 
               STA 2100H     // Answer is stored in 2100 H location 
               HLT           // Stop processing  

7). Write an assembly language program to interchange (swap) the contents of two memory locations 2100 H and 2101 H.


               LDA 2100H     // Loads the content of 2100H into accumulator
               MOV B,A       // Moves the content of accumulator to B-register 
               LDA 2101H     // Loads the content of 2101H into accumulator 
               STA 2100H     // Loads the accumulator content to 2100 H location 
               MOV A,B       // Moves the content of B-register to accumulator 
               STA 2101H     // Loads the accumulator content to 2101 H location 
               HLT           // Stop processing  

               # ORG 2100H     // Set origin to dataset  
               # DB 05H,07H     // initializes memory with one or more byte values  

8). Write an assembly language program to multiply two decimal numbers 23 and 9 and store the answer in some memory location.

use Converter to convert decimal to hexadecimal number


                 MVI A,00H     // Loads the accumulator with 00H
                 MVI B,17H     // Loads B-register with 17H 
                 MVI C,09H     // Loads C-register with 09H 
          AGAIN: ADD B         // Adds the content of B-register to accumulator 
                 DCR C         // Decrements C-register 
                 JZ  END       // Checks for zero; if zero jump to END 
                 JMP AGAIN     // Repeats the addition 
            END: STA 2100H     // Stores the answer to memory location 2100 H 
                 HLT           // Stop processing  

9). Write an assembly language program to find the smaller of two numbers stored in memory locations 2501 H and 2502 H. Store the result in 2503 H memory location.


                 LXI H,2501H    // Loads the address of the first number in H-L register pair  
                 MOV A,M        // Saves the first number in accumulator 
                 INX H          // Increments the H-L register pair 
                 CMP M          // compares the two numbers 
                 JC  NEXT       // if carry smaller number is in accumulator go to NEXT 
                 MOV A,M        // If no carry then move the smaller number to accumulator 
           NEXT: STA 2503H      // Stores the smaller number in 2503 memory location 
                 HLT          // Stop processing  

                 # ORG 2501H    // Set origin to dataset  
                 # DB 12H,34H    // initializes memory with one or more byte values  

10). Write an assembly language program to find the sum of a series 1+2+3+....+10 (or sum of first 10 natural numbers).


                 MVI B,0AH      // Loads B-register with 0AH   
                 MVI A,00H      // Loads the accumulator with 00H 
           LOOP: ADD B          // Adds the content of B-register to accumulator 
                 DCR B          // Decrements B-register 
                 JNZ LOOP       // Checks for No zero; if No zero jump to LOOP 
                 STA 2500H      // Stores the answer to memory location 2500H 
                 HLT          // Stop processing  

11). Write an assembly language program to check the even parity or the odd parity of the number stored in memory location 2010 H. Send 00 H or EE H at the output port 02 H if the parity is odd or even respectively.


                 LXI H,2010H    // Initializes the H-L register pair with the address of the location  
                 MOV A,M        // Moves the number to accumulator 
                 ORA A          // ORing of A with A will load the same number to accumulator. The parity flag will be affected with this operation 
                 JPO ODD        // Jump to ODD if parity is odd 
                 MVI A,EEH      // Load EE H to accumulator for even parity 
                 OUT 02H        // EE is sent to output port 02H 
                 JMP END        // Jump to END 
            ODD: MVI A,00H      // Load 00 H to accumulator for odd parity 
                 OUT 02H        // 00 is sent to output port 02H 
            END: HLT          // Stop processing